Services and forms
Click on the titles below to expand or shrink the lists.
- What services does the District offer?
- What is a safe yield?
- What should I know about water meters?
- What are my responsibilities as a water permit/right holder?
- Show me a basic example of a well and meter setup
- Well Plugging Information
The District offers a variety of services to District Members including the following list
All Groundwater related application assistance
Water use reporting assistance
Well plugging assistance
Water quality monitoring
Current and Historical Water level measurement records
Preliminary Safe yield analyses
Preliminary Spacing analyses
Water level change maps
Waste of water investigations
Groundwater quality investigations
Water permit history investigations
Permit status investigations
Permit owner changes
Meter services and repairs
Meter tube orders
Verified claim assistance
Water permit consultations
Water quality mapping
Water level mapping
Open records requests
The District Can help you with any water right related service.
Is water available for appropriation in my area? Apply for a Safe Yield and find out.
A safe yield evaluation is a preliminary 'no guarantees' evaluation to see if there is legally water available for a water permit.
limit one request per week. Safe Yields are free to District members.
You can submit a safe yield request via email, phone, or in person.
Be sure to include the Section, Township, Range, and property owner of where you are interested.
Email a Request›
Please read the following Basic water meter requirements.
It is not intended to restrict water meters furnished
under these specifications to any particular style,
configuration, or manufacturer; however, meters of
all types shall meet District approval and the
following requirements:
Registration Accuracy -The water
meter shall be calibrated at the factory and shall
be certified to register not less than 98 percent
nor more than 102 percent of the actual volume of
water passing the meter. This requirement shall
be met throughout the meter's normal operating
Meter Body, Register and Indicator -
The water meter shall be designed and constructed to:
* maintain the required accuracy;
* be protected by a tamperproof manufacturer's seal;
* clearly indicate the direction of water flow;
* clearly indicate the serial number of the water meter;
* have a weatherproof register that is sealed from all water sources;
* have a register that is readable at all times;
* be able to be sealed by an authorized representative of the Chief Engineer to prevent tampering or removal of the meter;
* be equipped with a manufacturer approved measuring chamber or tube through which all water flows:
* be equipped with flow straightening vanes, installed at the upstream throat of the water meter chamber or tube;
* be equipped with an inspection port if the straightening vanes are not designed, constructed and installed by the manufacturer;
* remain operable without need for recalibration to maintain accuracy throughout the meter life;
* have a totalizer that:
- is continuously updated to
read directly in acre-feet,
acre-inches or gallons
- has sufficient capacity, without cycling past zero more than once each year;
- reads in units to discriminate annual water use to within the nearest 0.1 percent of the total annual permitted quantity;
- has a direct read dial or a counter that can be timed to accurately determine the rate of flow; and
- has a nonvolatile memory.
The meter shall be installed in
accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions and in such a manner
to insure full pipe flow and normal
operating flow range at all times
while water is being pumped. The
meter shall be installed at a location
that will measure all water diverted
from the source of supply.
The meter shall be placed in the line
with a minimum of 5 pipe diameters of
straight pipe without flow obstructions
upstream of the meter sensor and at least
2 pipe diameters of straight pipe without
flow obstructions downstream of the meter
Where manufacturer's
specifications are most stringent, they
shall govern.
Important Note:
Some meter manufacturers require more than
5 pipe diameters of upstream-unobstructed
straight pipe, and may require additional
unobstructed downstream straight pipe.
For additional information on specific
manufacturer's installation requirements,
contact the Equus Beds Groundwater Management
You are responsible for the upkeep of your own meter if you are the Landowner.
The water user must: a) select the proper size, pressure rating, water meter style, and meter operating range to fit the installation; b) properly install the water meter in accordance with the District's requirements and the manufacturer's instructions; c) maintain the water meter in an operating condition at all times during diversion of water; and d) ensure the water meter measures the total discharge from the well and does not measure any other discharge.
District Members are
eligible to have meters serviced and
repaired at our office.
Please call for more
Example of a typical Meter Installation.
There must be an
unobstructed straight run of pipe upstream
of the meter propeller sufficient for turbulent
water to settle down to smoother flowing
conditions. Any exaggerated jetting action or
adverse flow restrictions upstream may need
additional unobstructed straight run for proper
meter operation. Flow straightening vanes are
installed directly in front of the meter propeller
in the required manufacturer's measuring chamber
or tube (see figure 1).
Minimum Installation Requirements:
Installations in
non-jetting flow conditions
after pump discharges, pipe
bends, heat exchangers and other
non-jetting flow mechanisms,
require a minimum of 5
pipe diameters of unobstructed
straight pipe upstream of the
front of the
meter propeller.
Installations in jetting flow
conditions after check valves, pressure regulating valves,
pipe restrictions and other jetting flow mechanisms,
require a minimum of pipe diameters of unobstructed
straight pipe upstream of the meter
propeller. However,
it is strongly recommended that the meter be installed
with a minimum of 10 or more pipe diameters of unobstructed
straight pipe upstream of the meter propeller to ensure
accurate meter operation and to prevent meter damage.
There must be a minimum of pipe diameter
of unobstructed straight pipe downstream of the back of the meter register head
Application for permit to appropriate water for beneficial use
Recreational use supplemental sheet
Stockwatering use supplemental sheet
Municipal Use supplemental sheet
Industrial use supplemental sheet
extension request for perfection appropriation
Application for permit to appropriate water for beneficial use
Minimum Desireable streamflow acknowledgement form
list of certified water flowmeters
Notice of completion of diversion works and/or report of flowmeter installation
Domestic water well owner - water well spacing consent form